Susan Crawford

Susan Crawford is an internet hero. A Harvard Law professor and author of several books, a part of President Obamaโ€™s tech transition team, a Wired Magazine contributor, and creator of the first internet holiday (One Web Day is September 22), among many other accomplishments. She’s built an amazing career advocating for addressing digital divide issues, for telecom policy and infrastructure reform, and for city and resource policy advancement.

In 2008, just before she departed Ann Arbor for Washington, was the first time I had the honor of working with Susan. She entrusted me to migrate hundreds of her brilliant and lengthy posts on the telecom legal landscape and policy across platforms to relaunch her presence using WordPress. It was by far the largest content migration I’d ever done to date.

In 2011 she contacted me again to design a new theme using a more modern Genesis-based design to coordinate with the release of one of her books.

I can’t overstate how great Susan was to work with and how much her writing helps clarify and add honest informed context around some incredibly complicated modern issues.
