Tuned to SEO

I’ve moved away a few content management systems, and SEO was one reason. I’ve found a nice niche market for building smaller sites for companies using the WordPress engine, and one of its strong points (along with ease of management) is that it’s very search-engine friendly- with some customization.

Anymore my WP sites all include customizing settings, SEO and tracking add-ons, robots.txt file maximizing, and many other techniques for gaining high page rankings – including training clients on meta and tag usage. Consulting on copy creation, and development of AdWords campaigns using lingustic tools are available services as well.

What I won’t get into is inflating the value of SEO, “stealing” content via RSS, attempt to ‘game’ Google, or dabbling in the ‘grey areas’ of SEO. I’ve also – on several occasions minimized the need for much SEO effort at all. If you’re not trying to get initial contact with prospects through google searches about your industry (not your company name) there might be little point in spending more on it.

This is “somewhat tuned” to SEO – not overinflating its value, but thinking about it in terms of your business strategy.
